User manual HASSELBLAD A24


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HASSELBLAD A24 : Download the complete user guide (291 Ko)

Manual abstract: user guide HASSELBLAD A24

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] With a 60Mpix sensor covering the classic 645-format, it provides the basis for optimal lens performance with the HC lenses at lens factor 1. 0, and the HCd lenses at lens factor 1. 0withamarginalcrop. FordevelopingyourcreativeexpressiontheA24takesfulladvantageoftheHasselbladHTS 1. 5 tilt/shift adapter. With its unique large and bright viewfinder image, its wide range of quality lenses matching the best of the icon lenses from Carl Zeiss, and its wide choice of accessories, the H4d-60 is the ultimate camera choice for the professional photographer. You can explore the Hasselbladcamerasystemat:http://www. hasselblad. com/products/ virtual-demo-overview. aspx Raising the bar from H3D Expanding on the great feature set of the H3d camera-line, Hasselblad introduces a new set of camera features with the H4d-60: · ew3"double-res(460. 320pixels)TFT24bitcolordisplaywith n large viewing angle · ew camera electronics providing the basis for True Focus and n ultrafastAutoFocus · ew True Focus auto-focus system with Absolute Position Lock n and new camera controls · ewimprovedAFassistilluminationforworkingindarkenvironn ments · ew 90 MB/sec read-write performance on Extreme Pro cards n fromSandisk · newrearuni-bodyhousingforimprovedlocalservicing The A24 camera system has been especially designed to meetdemandsforbothflexibilityandultimateimagequality. This includes: · highestimageresolutionfrom60Mpixelsensor · he freedom to choose between eye-level and waist-level viewt finders · he choice of combining point-and-shoot and tilt/shift to solve t creative commercial challenges ·heabilitytochoosebetweenworkingtetheredoruntetheredto t getthemostofyourcamerasystembothonlocationandinthe studio · heoptionofprocessingyourrawimagesinHasselblad'sPhocus t imagingtoolbox, orworkingwithyourrawimagesdirectlyinApple or adobe imaging environments. www. hasselblad. com digital CaMERaS The A24 features a CCD sensor measuring 40, 2×53, 7mm ­ morethantwicethephysicalsizeofthelargest35mmDSLRsensors. [. . . ] The A24 makesuseofanewhighspeedcapturearchitecturecapturingfull size, compressed80Mbyteimagesattherateof1. 1secondsper capture, workingeithermobileortetheredtoacomputer. ThecombinationofthesefeaturesmakestheA24thenatural choice for the professional commercial photographer wanting to workwiththehighestimageresolutionwithinacamerasystemthat supports ultimate creative expression in order to deliver outstandingimagequalitytosatisfythemostdemandingrequirements. An impressive lens line outperforming the Carl Zeiss lenses The highly renowned HC/HCD lens line includes 11 auto-focus lenses, all with central lens shutters. Range is from 28mm to 300mm, 35-90 mm zoom, 50-110mm zoom, and 1. 7X converter. TheHTS1. 5tilt/shiftadapterdeliversaneasytouse, portabletilt/ shiftsolutionfor5HC/HCDlensesrangingfrom28mmto100mm. Thecentrallensshutter, withflashsyncspeedupto1/800s, also improvesimagequalitybyreducingcameravibration. TheCFlensadapterallowsuseoftheclassicCF-lensesfromthe Hasselblad V-camera, with full use of their central lens shutters, allowing flash to be employed at shutter speeds up to 1/500s. AndthankstothelargeformatoftheHSystemcameras, thereisa considerablyshallowerdepthoffieldrange, makingitmucheasier toutilizeselectivefocustocreativeeffect. Medium Format digital capture advantage In digital photography, the advantages of large format cameras havebecomeevenmoreobvious. The6×4. 5cmwindowallowsthe A24tousethelargestimagesensorscurrentlyavailableindigitalphotography. Consequentlythesensorholdsmorepixels, which deliver the highest possible image quality in terms of moiré-free color rendering without gradation break-ups on even the finest lit surfaces. A choice of bright viewfinders Oneoftheimportanttraditionaladvantagesofthemediumformatis theextra-largeandbrightviewfinderimage, enablingextremelyprecisecompositionsandeasyoperationindimlighting. TheA24 comeswiththeHV90x-IIviewfinderdesignedforfullperformance Accessory range (Focusing screens, Tripod quick coupling, Hand Strap etc. ) Full range of classic V lenses with CF adapter HTS 1. 5 Tilt/Shift Adapter HV 90x-II Eye Level View nder Extension Tubes H13, H26, H52mm Converter H1. 7x HC 4. 5/300 DC Power Grip HC 4. 0/210 HC 3. 2/150 HC Macro 4. 0/120 SCA3902 TTL ash adapter HC 2. 2/100 Central Lens Shutter in all lenses (including Instant V lenses) Manual focus override HVM Waist Level Vire nder Fast In-Lens Autofocus HCD 4. 0/28 HC 3. 5/35 HCD 4. 0-5. 6/ 35-90 H4D Spare Body Built-in Fill Flash HC 2. 8/80 HC 3. 5/50 HC 3. 5-4, 5/ 50-110 View camera operation Proshade, Lens Shades Global Image Locator (GPS accessory) Extra Battery Grip A24 takes full benefit from all the flexibility of the impressive H camera system. www. hasselblad. com digital CaMERaS over the large sensor. Hasselblad has added an interchangeable waist-level viewfinder, the HVM, for the entire range of H system cameras. WiththeA24camerasystemPhocusprovides: · Uncompromisingimagequality · pecial extended camera controls with which to operate your S H4d-60 camera. these features, such as live video for easier shotset-upandworkflow, ortheabilitytocontrolthelensdrive for focusing when the camera is in a remote position or when the digitalcaptureunitismountedonaviewcamera, bringanentirely newlevelofflexibilitytothewayyoushoot. · oiréRemovalTechnologyautomaticallyapplieddirectlyonthe M rawdata, leavingimagequalityintactandeliminatingtheneedto carryoutspecialmaskingselectionsorothermanualprocedures, savinghoursoftediouspost-productionwork. Hasselblad's unique natural colors Hasselblad's Natural Color Solution (HNCS) enables you to produceoutstandingandreliableout-of-the-boxcolors, withskintones, specificproductcolorsandotherdifficulttonesreproducedeasily andeffectively. InordertoincorporateouruniqueHNCSandDACfeatures we have developed a custom Hasselblad raw file format called 3F RAW (3FR). This file format includes lossless image H4D with GIL Global Image Locator accessory. www. hasselblad. com digital CaMERaS c ompression, whichreducesthefilesizeby33%. The3FRfilescan beopeneddirectlyinAppleorAdobeimagingenvironments. Inorder toutilizeDACandoptimizethecolorsoftheDNGfileformat, conversionfrom3FRmusttakeplacethroughPhocus. the information is recorded both in the file and in the file name, providing a quick and easy way to classify and select images, in thefieldorbackatthestudio. IAAisaHasselbladtrademarkand Hasselblad has a patent pending on the invention. Theextralarge3"displayontheA24providesarealistic, high qualityandperfectcontrastimageview, eveninbrightsunlight. Accessories including GPS Recording Flexibility Hasselblad's Global Image Locator (GIL) is an accessory for use withanyHasselbladH-Systemdigitalcaptureproduct. WiththeGIL device, all images captured outside are tagged with GPS coordinates, time and altitude. This data provides the key to a number of future applications involving image archiving and retrieval. One example is the direct mapping of images in Phocus software to the Google Earth application. Check out full list of accessories at: http://www. hasselblad. com/products/lenses-and-accessories/ h-system-accessories. aspx Options for working with tilt/shift Two basic options are available for tilt/shift work with A24. [. . . ] One example is the direct mapping of images in Phocus software to the Google Earth application. Check out full list of accessories at: http://www. hasselblad. com/products/lenses-and-accessories/ h-system-accessories. aspx Options for working with tilt/shift Two basic options are available for tilt/shift work with A24. a simple, portable adapter solution and the classic view camera solution. [. . . ]


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