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KURZWEIL SDROM : Download the complete user guide (65 Ko)

Manual abstract: user guide KURZWEIL SDROM

Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.

[. . . ] SD Piano Option Information What's in This Document · · · · Disk Contents . 3 Disk Contents Your SD Piano option kit comes with four floppy disks, from which you'll install operating system software, base ROM object files (for the standard factory programs), and SD Piano ROM object files. [. . . ] B SD Piano Option Information Sympathetic Vibrations Sympathetic Vibrations When you play a chord on an acoustic piano and hold down the keys while the notes decay, the dampers on the corresponding strings remain up, and you hear a particular set of harmonics that evolve from the undamped strings. If you play the same chord and hold it with the sustain pedal, you'll hear a much different, richer set of harmonics as the notes decay. That's because all the strings are undamped, and each string gradually begins to vibrate at its resonant frequency, in response to the vibrations of the strings struck by the hammers. This phenomenon is called sympathetic vibration, and is an important component of the sound of an acoustic piano. The most noticeable of these sympathetic vibrations come from the strings whose fundamental pitches match the harmonics of the strings that were struck by the hammers. To create a more realistic acoustic piano sound for the SD Piano option, Kurzweil sound engineers have developed special effects settings that imitate sympathetic vibrations. When you're playing one of the SD Piano programs with ID 700­713, and you're not using the sustain pedal, the K2600's audio signal passes through FXBus 1, then to the AuxBus, which applies a typical room or hall reverb. When you use the sustain pedal, the signal passes FXBus 1 and FXBus 2 before going to the AuxBus. FXBus 2 applies a chain of reverbs programmed to resemble an acoustic piano's sympathetic vibrations. You can use the Data slider (or any physical controller sending MIDI 6) to adjust the level the sympathetic vibration effect. Modifying SD Piano Programs If you want to change the room ambiance on an SD Piano program without losing the sympathetic vibration effect, use the Studio Editor to assign a different effect on the AuxBus of the studio used by that program. [. . . ] In the previous revision, it instructed you merely to install the file. Page 1 2 SD Piano Option Information Controller Assignments for SD Piano Programs Controller Assignments for SD Piano Programs The tables in this section list the controller assignments for the SD Piano factory programs. The table titles show program IDs and names. 706 Songwriter's Pno MIDI 6 MIDI 25 MIDI 67 Disables sympathetic vibrations Wetter Soft pedal Play simple block chords to accompany a pop or rock song 700 New Classical 1 MIDI 6 MIDI 25 MIDI 67 Disables sympathetic vibrations Adds distance Soft pedal 707 Soft Grand MIDI 6 MIDI 25 Disables sympathetic vibrations Wetter The most realistic sound for classical pieces 708 Ballad Grand Mod Wheel MIDI 6 MIDI 25 Pitch modulation Disables sympathetic vibrations Adds chorusing in the reverb 701 New Classical 2 MIDI 6 MIDI 25 MIDI 67 Disables sympathetic vibrations Adds distance Soft pedal For long sustaining chords in a rock band setting For "big" classical playing 709 FM & Grand Mod Wheel MIDI 6 MIDI 22 MIDI 23 MIDI 24 MIDI 25 MIDI 26 MIDI 27 Tremolo Disables synth layer Timbre Control Octave in bass Fades frequency-modulation layers Wetter Chorus wet Chorus feedback 702 Classical Grand3 MIDI 25 MIDI 67 Wetter Soft pedal 703 DynGrand ClosMic MIDI 25 MIDI 67 Wetter Soft pedal 710 Hardhammer Piano MIDI 6 MIDI 25 More highs Wetter Close-mic dynamic grand; exaggerated filter on softest strikes, for extended dynamic range 711 Stage Grand St 704 Jazz Grand MIDI 6 MIDI 25 MIDI 67 Disables sympathetic vibrations Bigger hall Soft pedal MIDI 6 MIDI 25 MIDI 67 Disables sympathetic vibrations Wetter Soft pedal Sounds nice in a jazz combo setting Compressor in studio 749 controls dynamics in live settings 705 Bright Grand MIDI 6 MIDI 22 MIDI 25 MIDI 67 Disables sympathetic vibrations Treble EQ boost Adds distance Soft pedal 712 Jazz Grand Mono MIDI 6 MIDI 25 Disables sympathetic vibrations Reverb time For use with a mono PA system Sounds like a relatively brightly-voiced piano 3 SD Piano Option Information Controller Assignments for SD Piano Programs 713 Rock Grand Mono MIDI 6 MIDI 25 Disables sympathetic vibrations Reverb time 721 Bowed Piano MIDI 6 MIDI 25 Fades to bowed layer only Controls send to flanger For use with a mono PA system 722 GPno & Puff 714 GrPno & Strings Mod Wheel MIDI 6 MIDI 25 MIDI 26 Lowpass filter on strings Strings forward Piano delays Feedback control (tails longer) MIDI 25 MIDI 67 Wetter Soft pedal For percussive playing 723 SynGrand & EPno 715 GrPno & Pad Mod Wheel MIDI 6 MIDI 25 Fades pad Envelope control on pad Wetter Mod Wheel MIDI 25 Manual wah-wah Wetter 724 Twang Grand 716 Grand & Rich Pad MIDI 26 Feedback control (tails longer) Mod Wheel MIDI 6 Detune Layer balance Velocity controls each note's effects send; accents sound nice sustained 725 AlternativePiano Mod Wheel MIDI 6 Pitch modulation Timbre control 717 Dyn Pno&Pad MIDI 22 MIDI 26 MIDI 29 Disables String 1 Feedback control (tails longer) Enables String 2 726 Affected Grand Mod Wheel Filter modulation Velocity controls each note's send to the feedback flangers 727 Robot Grand MIDI 6 Disables the per-note sample & hold 718 In Canyon w/Str MIDI 6 MIDI 25 MIDI 26 Fades String layer Flange wet Increases reverb time For staccato repetitive playing (with the arpeggiator, for example) 728 Distorted Grand 719 Mello w/Voxpad Mod Wheel MIDI 6 MIDI 25 MIDI 26 Pitch modulation Fades string layer Flange wet Increases reverb time MIDI 6 Hipass filter, program-wide 729 Way in the Grand Mod Wheel MIDI 6 MIDI 25 MIDI 26 Pitch modulation on layers Enables third layer Pitch modulation on the reverb Drier 720 String Chaser Mod Wheel MIDI 6 MIDI 25 MIDI 26 Pitch modulation Filter Adds distance Decreases reverb time Play sparsely! 4 [. . . ]


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